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Update an Old GLB Snap

Ooh, this is such a fun prompt! Old GLB street snaps are so iconic and they continue to inspire people to this day. Although nowadays we would class most of those coords as oldschool or ‘too fringe for Closet of Frills’, without these young people we wouldn’t even be here. So this is literally an update to reflect how we style lolita in the year 2020, not concrit or an attempt to ‘improve’ anything. And given that majority of the people then wore gothic lolita, it’s not like I’m the most qualified person to be improving anything.

The Original GLB Snap

This particular picture comes from the 2nd issue of the Gothic and Lolita Bible and showcases a gothic lolita (right) with her friend (left). I picked this issue specifically because I wanted to choose from the earliest snaps that were exclusively taken for the magazine. Fun fact: the snaps in issue 1 were selected from those previously published in KERA. Which makes sense since they would’ve had enough, whereas there may not have been enough time to take any specifically for the new magazine. So I browsed through volume 2 and this outfit caught my eye. It’s very recognisably lolita, very recognisably gothic and even by 2020 standards it’s not terribly dated. It obviously reads as oldschool now, but it could just as easily slip past you as casual gothic lolita.

Gothic and Lolita Bible vol. 2.

My Update on This Coord

Although oldschool lolita is enjoying some popularity once more, I wanted to update this coordinate in a more elegant way. What this lolita wore was perfect for a daytime girl date in Harajuku, now let’s imagine she is going on a romantic date in the evening, maybe to the famous Vampire Cafe? Vampire Cafe is always a perfect excuse to whip out some extra drama.

| Moi-meme-Moitie Leather Cross skirt | Moi-meme-Moitie leather corset | Atelier Pierrot Lace Shirring Princess Sleeve blouse | Moi-meme-Moitie Ribbon Lace-Up OTKs | Metamorphose Heel Strap shoes | Triple Fortune bonnet | Metamorphose Enamel Bag with Shoulder Strap | Moi-meme-Moitie Coffin ring | Raspberry Mazohyst Holy Shit Classic choker |

I kept the same skirt and corset (picture taken from Spiro’s old Lacemarket listing because the only stock photos we have are very low res) and changed pretty much everything else. Instead of the cutsew-looking top that she wore, I used an Atelier Pierrot princess sleeve blouse which she would wear off shoulder if she wanted to seduce a vampire. I replaced the rectangle headdress with a Triple Fortune bonnet for maximum drama. The heels she had were great, if somewhat toned down for the practical reason of needing to walk in them. That’s not a concern in evening-wear, so stompy enamel platform heels and an enamel bag to match. Simple lace topped knee socks are gone in favour of some printed ones which is a lot more 2020 than solid legwear. And lastly I upped the drama with jewellery: Moitie coffin ring and a Raspberry Mazohyst vinyl choker.

This coord still reads as very elegant gothic, which I feel was what the lolita in GLB issue 2 was going for, but a more current version of it. I went for some brands that I know my goth friends gravitate towards, whilst also sticking to oldschool classics, like Moitie and Meta, who were supplying gothic lolitas with the good stuff since the beginning since brand loyalty is real for this hypothetical 2020 version of this lolita.

Although this was made with the original snap in mind, looking at my updated version I can think of a couple of people who I think would wear this now. Heck, I’d happily give this a try myself if I ever stood a chance at fitting this Moitie skirt and bustier set.

What do you think? Did I goth right? How would you update this particular GLB snap? As always with Lolita Blog Carnival posts, there are more to enjoy, so check those out too!

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