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“The hardest step she ever took was to blindly believe in who she was!”

When joggers first came on the market I immediately went out and bought a pair in satin, because I fell in love with how they fit.  One thing I love about them is that they are versatile, so they are perfect for casual outfits, or can be dressed up for a more formal look.

Today’s outfit is a more casual styling with the denim top and leather detailed jacket.  If you are looking for a style of pants to compliment your body type, joggers are great because they are looser around the hips so they can hide problem areas.   The ones I am wearing are tailored and fitted around the waist, but I also own others that are elasticated and therefore work with more body types.

I styled mine with a box cut denim top, Black leather booties and a great jacket.  The day of this shoot was a little windy, so the jacket was absolutely necessary.  Spring time can be so unpredictable that it is always handy to have a jacket whether you need it or not (you just never know!)

I am headed to NY for a shopping trip with a friend this weekend, so I am hoping to find some amazing style picks – stay tuned for great posts to come 🙂


from StyleQueenie.com http://ift.tt/2oZlAtZ

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