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$150,000? Really?

I've never seen this show, but I know the internet loves it or hates it or something. To be honest, I only pay attention to what the internet says when it's something I wrote, and even then I'm only half paying attention at best, because the internet is stuffed with retards. But I'm not really doing anything right now so I thought I'd just put this up to ruin your day. I figure it's almost noon so if you're reading this at all (you're not), it's from inside your suicide inducing, soul crushing, windowless, gray walled cubicle, wondering which bills you can blow off this week after you get paid slaving 1/3 of your daily life away.
So here ya go...
Honey Boo Boo Child net worth and salary: Honey Boo Boo Child net worth: Honey Boo Boo Child’s net worth is $150 thousand dollars and her family is paid salary of $20,000 per episode.
 $20,000 per episode. So, every week, TLC pays these people almost half of what the average American family earns all year. Have fun picking up your $600 paycheck (after taxes) on Friday, and remember, Honey Boo Boo's family are the idiots.

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