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go for minimalist beauty, don't be a blinded makeup junkie

Note: This is just what I do now, or have done for years. I'll be back with a more eco, vegan, organic routine after some research and trying things out for a while.

Okay I had to check in with you because I'm going through yet another new phase. I finally care about my face. Like, you know, enough to spend money on it. Before it was all - hey, hey I have this genetically formed mirror into my soul that culturally requires utmost perfection at all times and I can get away with sunscreen cuz I'm black so isn't that good enough for now, must I line my lips too! - but now I feel its a fun part of my minimalist lifestyle journey to discover and explore vegan or organic beauty brands that help me wake up and look impeccably fresh with just five minutes of effort. I mean, isn't that all the time we have these days anyway? 23 hours are devoted to texting, so my gosh, make the beauty routine as minimal and harmless as possible.

Hedonism. Such a beastly thing to be born with. Or did I somehow acquire it by growing up in bourgeois neighborhoods and indulging in higher education? Who knows. But I must admit if there was a psychological condition called "make-up OCD", I would already be diagnosed and in rehab! I don't mind though, because I feel a bit of OCD helps in creating a workable make-up routine with a bit of, shall we say, high standards. It helps keeps me focused on simplicity and organization, and not be impulsive. So, a minimalist beauty routine makes things so much easier for me. But, this didn't come naturally. I had to learn and you can join me if you like. This is a whole new Kylie Jenner-ruled world for me and I'm just now jumping on the bandwagon.

After trying to keep up with tons of make-up products when I was a fashion rag editor, I've learned minimal is better. I stick to a great basic skincare routine now that I have found a beloved new facialist to call mine, and keep it to a few everyday make-up products. I also like to have at least 2 of everything: one for home, and one for my purse. By doing that, I never have to worry about touching up and not having what I need. It's that OCD thing I mentioned! Plus beauty is so cute in tiny packages.

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