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London Visit: Pretending To Be Italian. Or At Least A Bit Continental.

Grey & Tan Texture Mix
Texture Mix
Grey & Tan Texture Mix
Texture Mix
Grey & Tan Texture Mix
Grey & Tan Texture Mix
Texture Mix
King George V Gates, Regent's Park, London
Last weekend Mr. Summers and I had a weekend in London, and as ex-Londoners we usually do something touristy whenever we go back to visit: this time we boarded an open-top bus and had a tour of the city. It was a whole lot of fun and really quite interesting (you can plug in earphones in for a commentary) - but it was FREEZING cold on top of the bus, despite the weather being a little milder than in recent weeks. So thank goodness for fur and layers, I say!

On an open-top London bus you get a lot of tourists of course, and I noticed the most stylish girls were often Italian or Spanish, and they all had that gorgeous Continental look going on: long brown hair, olive skin, fabulously large sunnies and a slouchy hat. So I got this idea in my head that I too could pretend to be a real European tourist on top of the bus (Brits generally don't count themselves as Europeans) as I'd happened to don the sunglasses/hat thing that day, but simply out of necessity. Hardly the same when you're a pasty girl from the South East of England, but it's nice to pretend, isn't it ;)

FYI: The gates seen here are the ones that George V had erected at an entrance to Regent's Park in 1935... aren't they are soooo beautiful? Well worth a little photo shoot.

Catherine x
P.S. Sorry I'm wearing the same tobacco-coloured sweater again. I do have other sweaters, you know.

Coat: River Island, Sweater: ASOS, Trousers: Zalando*, Boots: Duo (old), Bag: Accessorize*, Beanie: Unknown, Sunglasses: French Connection at ASOS, Gloves: Next, Grey top: Primark

Shop my look! All items marked* are the actual items, if still available:

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