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My Home Office

 My Home Office

Today I'm sharing my home office with all of you! I've been living here for about 3.5 months and I feel as though a lot has been accomplished. It still has a long way to go, but it's working out nicely for now! Most of the items in not only my office but the entire house are antiques, but I will try and find likes to similar items as best I can! This room is the smallest in the house so it is perfect for an office and honestly even bigger than what I need it for! 

Plans for this wall: I hope to do a 'statement' wall of either grasscloth or wallpaper to add some texture and interest! This will likely get done the same time the powder bath is wallpapered- still haven't picked a wallpaper, ugh!!! The door to the right goes into the Jack and Jill bathroom. 

These photos and frames used to hang above my bed in my apartment

You can see in the bathroom... it's a full bath but everything else ( like shower, sink, etc.) is off to the left of this photo! This bathroom is actually quite spacious and I love the way it is laid out. We need a really large mirror for this space and I haven't been able to find one I love yet. So this guest bathroom literally gets no use, ha! But, I do plan on utilizing this bathroom as 'my' getting ready bathroom once we do find a nice mirror. It gets flooded with the best natural light and the counter space and storage space is abundant! The bathroom is predominantly white with touches of pale gray and blush pink. 

I love my desk so much. The only downside is that there is virtually no storage space. There is just one slim drawer. I didn't want this office to look like an 'office' at all. I really wanted it to look homey and comfortable and wanted whatever pieces I chose for in here to be repurposed in a future home. 

So for storage, I opted for a dresser. It stores office supplies, camera equipment, files, etc. It looks beautiful and you'd never realize just how much stuff is inside of the drawers.

It was hard to capture this image because this room has the best light in the house. I mean really the entire house is flooded with natural light, which is a huge reason I bought it. However, this light is by far the best! It was so bright and cheery in the room, it was hard to capture this space because there are two big windows flanking this chest of drawers! 

The Drawbertson piece is one of my very favorite things I own but doesn't go with my rather traditional decor. However, I think it's a nice juxtaposition of old and new and I love looking at it! I also like the pop of pink it adds to a rather neutral space.  

Just some knickknacks on my desk. I really prefer a clean desk with few distractions. I will let it get messy but it's always clean by nighttime when I finish up. Ps. my passport is usually locked away, but I had it out for something the day I was shooting these! 

This is sweet Henry's little corner. I bought him a beautiful custom bed for this corner and he NEVER laid on it. He only wants this red bed, which is the first bed he ever had when I brought him home. Oh well! This is my huge mirror that I purchased from Kirkland's many years ago. It's seriously the biggest mirror I have ever seen and takes up the entire wall. 

There is an 8' wide wall to the left of my desk (which is not pictured) and right now it's completely bare. I definitely want to do something on that wall but I'm not exactly sure what to do! I don't want to add any more furniture to the room. Right now, I like that this space feels very spacious and open so I don't want to crowd it with furniture but am not sure if I should add more frames or shelves or what to that wall! I also want to do something to add more color- I think the wallpaper/ grasscloth might achieve that, but we'll see! This is meant to be a bedroom, so I don't want to do anything too drastic to turn it into an office so it will sell well or rent out nicely!

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