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Color Club Alter Ego Keep It Undercover Collection: Total Mystery

Color Club Total Mystery (3 coats)

Good evening everyone! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. It got so cold here this weekend, and right now it is only 37 degrees outside. Man, it was only a week ago that it was in the 80s! Anyway, I have Total Mystery to show you tonight, which comes from the Keep It Undercover set of the Alter Ego Collection. I'm not going to lie, when I saw promo pictures for this set of the collection, I thought they were going to be vastly different than what they gave us. I thought they were going to be more duochromes, but they ended up being shimmers. That being said, I still like Total Mystery. It is slightly more purple in real life (you know how it goes with purplish colors and cameras) with lots of pink shimmer throughout. This one was also slightly sheer since it needed 3 coats, but that seems to be the way it goes with this whole collection.

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