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Four women and five men, all British medical students have travelled to Syria to work in hospitals in the Islamic State held areas.
Their families were unaware of their intent to join ISIS.

Turkish politician Mehmet Al Ediboglu who has met the student's families say they all assumed the students are in Tel Abyad where conflict is fierce and  medical help is needed.
He believes the students who are in their teens and early 20's all Britons of Sudanese descent had been brainwashed.

The families got to know when one of the students, Lena  Maumoon Abdulqadir,19, sent a text to her sister that she wanted to volunteer to help wounded Syrian people.
With a grinning selfie, the young British medical student asked her sister not to worry about her and other British medical students as they had reached Turkey on their way to volunteer to help wounded Syrian people.
The students were all born and raised in England but sent to Sudan to study at a medical school.

The families have gone to the Turkish border to beg them to return.

photo of Lena Maumoon Abdulqadir: Daily mail

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