Bachelor Dad by Roxann Delany is a Mills and Boon American Romance. Set in Desperation, Garrett Miles, an attorney receives a package, his four year old little girl that he didn't know he had! Libby Carter and her son, Noah, also live in the town after fleeing her abusive husband when she lost custody of Noah to him. She is eeking out a living as a waitress and desperately needs child care as does Garrett. They come to an arrangement, minding each others child. Garrett is not aware Libby is on the run until her ex husband turns up to drag her home. You will have to find out the ending!
Bachelor Dad is a very clean cut all American romance. Unlike the Mills and Boon Modern series it is very clean cut, sweet romance (no explicit sex scenes). The book focuses on Libby's trust issues, Garrett's determination to step up and learn to be a dad, his relationship with Noah and his past experiences as a child custody/divorce attorney colouring his opinion of Libby and her ex which very nearly leads to tragic consequences.
I received this book for free from Netgallery as i am a #millsandbooninsider but this does not affect my review.
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