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D&D Grackkus's Campaign

Sort of what my monk Grackkus looks like but with a spear

Last night I did my second session of D&D. This was going to be a one shot written by my friend Jay though everyone agreed it was fun and the story has more to tell so at some point we will carry on.

Our group consisted of my Human Monk,  a Dragonborn sorcerer, a Lionfolk (home brew race by Jay) barbarian, a half Orc Warlock and an Elf Rogue.  This group had been together a while and had heard that the town of Arendale has been asking for adventurers to help them out. They are their way there and the adventure started in the tavern.  We had to meet in the town square at sunset to find out what is going on but we realised we had no healers in our group (oops!) So we headed to the local shops in search of healing potions. Plenty of adventurers had arrived in town so the shops were making good money. The general store was very sparse and was run by a sickly dark elf female. We left that shop with nothing and went to an alchemy shop.  Here the mysterious owner and his pet baby dragon eventually sold us some healing potions but not before our Warlock signed a contract  (to get a discount on potions ) to bring the first treasure he found back to the owner otherwise there would be consquences,  which we had no idea what as none of us read the contract (come on how many of you read the T&Cs lol)!! Our rogue had gone off being all mysterious she went into the shop after and also got a healing potion.  With that we headed off to the town square to found out what the fuss was about, on the way my monk asked a child slave what he knew and he mentioned the Lord's getting sick. My monk attempted to pull a gold coin from the boys ear to impress him but he messed it up and  managed to give the child 2 gold instead.
4 very ill looking lords of the town appeared looking quite sick and handed over to a very strong looking dwarf. He informed us that the nobility were getting sick from an unknown plague and the adventurers (there were quite a few groups in the square ) were to find the problem and stop it. A guard handed us a map and a key at the town entrance. On the map a cave was marked out as where the problem was believed to be. We headed off that way. We were were little concerned that the other adventuring parties would get there first so we pushed on through the night.
In the woods in the middle of the night we discovered bodies of adventurers that had been mauled by some kind of hound. After finding some gold and extra food rations we followed some tracks further into the woods. Flutes could be heard on the wind and unfortunately my monk, the half orc and dragon born fell asleep to the music. The elf was immune and the lionfolk was unaffected so carried on to find the source. They discovered 2 dark elf females playing flutes and sctattered around them were sleeping animals including 4 hell hounds.

Hell Hounds

The lionfolk barbarian leapt into action and took the flutes of the dark elves. With the music stopped everyone woke up including the hell hounds! They attacked the barbarian. The rogue straight up murdered one of the dark elves striking from out of know where. The other dark elf magiced her flute back and began to play again. Everyone but the elf rogue fell asleep! The rogue decided to take out the Hall Hounds while they were asleep and attacked.  The dark elf was not impressed, healed the Hell hound and after a negotiation we were woke up and sent our way for a few gold pieces . We soon discovered the cave entrance we were after.  We rested and monitored the cave while our elf rogue tranced away her exhaustion from moving all night (the rest of us had a lovely flute induced nap).  At the cave entrance there were 3 Cobalts on guard.


Our parties rogue tried to become one with a bush to sneak up on the cobalts but she slipped and got there attention.  After a failed attempt at trying to be a Cobalt the Lionfolk barbarian leapt into action. The 3 Cobalts quickly became 6 and surrounded the barbarian.  In the ensuring melee the rogue killed a Cobalt, my monk missed everything  and the barbarian in a very barbarian way settled the combat by beheading the Cobalts leader which made the others flee. Victory was ours, my monk grabbed a torch off the wall and headed into the cave. Thanks to his monks training he sensed the spike trap just microseconds before it activated and he dodged out of the way! We then came across 3 doors, one had a H on, one had an S on I believe, the last one had a D on and a picture of a Dragon.  Our sorcerer used the key we were given and unlocked the Dragon door. A choice boomed "you have chosen the wrong path! " the other doors disappeared so we were stuck on this path.  My monk being very Zen pushed on into the room ahead. The rooms floor was made up of big tiles and on 2 walls were big tapestries of a red and green dragon. It also had 2 doors in the far corner. As he stepped on one of the tiles it made a horrible creaking noise! ! Everyone went very careful checking each floor tile.  Some collapsed opening up to reveal pits of fire! ! The barbarian fell in one but managed to grab onto the edge and with the help of our Warlock pulled himself out. We made it to the other side of the room . The  Sorcerer investigated  the tapestry of the green dragon, it started to dissolve and revealed 2 big doors. The rogue picked the lock on one of the big doors revealing a small passage which she stepped in to be away from the dangerous tiles.  My monk looked at the 2 doors we had originally seen in the corner. In opening one he discovered a small chest. Inside was 6 healing potions and 4 pouches.

The pouches contained a gem worth around 1000 gold pieces. I discovered the one bag was a bag of holding and had at least 12 gems inside! ! I kept this 😉 and handed out the pouches and healing potions . The sorcerer out her hand into the bag to get her gem and it grabbed her!  Turns out it was a bag of devouring!

Bag of devouring!

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