Hey everyone and welcome back on my blog. In today's post I want to show you my Gerard Cosmetics haul. Yes, I got all this product as PR but I was buying from them before all of this. So, let's show you what I got!
Zdravo svima i dobrodošli nazad na moj blog. U današnjem blog postu pokazaću vam haul sa sajta Gerard Cosmetics. Proizvode sam dobila kao deo PR-a i imala sam mogućnost da proizvode biram sama.
I have been a huge fan of Gerard Cosmetics Slay all Day setting sprays. When it comes to this type of products I use them fast because I want to my base look fresh all the time. So far I tired many scents, but I have say that coconut is my new favorite. This spray helps to improve the longevity of your makeup and melt excess products on your face.
Veliki sam fan Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day spreja za setovanje šminke. Ovu vrstu proizvoda trošim veoma brzo jer volim da mi baza izgleda sveže. Do sada sam isprobala skoro sve mirise iz Slay All day linije ali moram reći da mi je miris kokosa za sada jedan od favorita. Ova vrsta prozivoda pomoći će da bazna šminka što duže traje i izgleda lepše na koži.

*Rubby Spipper Hydra Matte Liquid Lipstick
Next up is Color Your Smile Ligther Lip gloss in shade Buttercream. I wanted this shade so bad, last time when I was ordering from GC it was sold out so I didn't get it. But, it's finally mine. Packaging is super cute, this lip gloss has its own light inside of the cup which is cool, right? Shade Buttercream is nude beige. The gloss is opaque and thick. I like to use this shade on the central part of my lip to make them full and juicy.
Sledeći proizvod jeste Color Smile Lighter sjaj za usne u nijansi Buttercream. Koliko dugo sam htela ovaj sjaj, prošlog puta kada sam naručivala bio je rasprodat. Ambalaža je veoma slatka i prepoznatljiva za Gerard. Buttercream je svetla bež nud nijansae. Sjaj je gust i ima dobru pigmentaciju. Volim da ga nanosim na centrali deo usna kako bih postigla efekat punijih usana.
*Color your smile Buttercream gloss
Last three products are London Fog bullet lipstick, Gerard Cosmetics lip liner and Clean Canvas Base. I never tried GC lip liner so now was perfect timing. I got the shade Melrose Place and it's prefect mauve pink. At the end, I have to replace my empty and used out Clean Canvas Concealer and Base in shade Fair so I got a back up. If you are curious
Poslednji proizvodi u ovom postu su London Fog klasični bulet karmin, GC olovka za usne i Clean Canvas baza. Do sada nisam probala GC olovke za usne, pa sam uzela nijansu Melrose Place. Morala sam da naručim Clean canvas bazu u nijansi Fair jer sam jednu skoro potrošila Ako želite da saznate više detalja o ovom proizvodu pogledajte moje prethodne blog postove, ostaviću linkove OVDE i OVDE.
So, that was my Gerard Cosmetics haul. If you want to buy something from Gerard Cosmetics feel free to use my discount code Enisa for 30% off. For more makeup looks and videos check my social networks.
Instagram - @En_Angie
Tiktok - @En_Angie
Twitter - @En_Angie
Until the next reading!
Love you all!
DISCLAIMER: PR products.
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