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25mm West Wind - Gothic Horror - Gollum

Day 1 of my ethereal creatures project using Citadel Contrast paints yielded fourteen completed miniatures. In West Wind's original Gothic Horror range there is a pack called "Gollums - Animated Statues". The other three do look like statues but this one didn't and so got the ghost treatment. He one came out pretty good having lots of broken up areas for the paint (Contrast - Aethermatic Blue) to play on. This is the first of the fourteen who is morally ambiguous: all the rest are decidedly evil in nature. (Or simply misunderstood?)

This was another where I thought I'd put in the pupils first rather than leaving them blank. Mixed results. Incidentally, this miniature is clearly a rip off (tribute) to an early Citadel mini who is identical in all respects except has a sword and scabbard at his waist.

On the broad back, a large unbroken surface, I went over again seeing how my first pass was too light, now it's too dark. Try not to double back f you can avoid it. Like some others, I did do a very light white dry-brush on this one to get a bit more pop in the details. Ah well - another mini done.
Thanks for looking - questions, comments and followers are welcome and encouraged!

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