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Looking foward to Salute on 28th March.


I have placed my preorder with Peter Pig, mainly for Samurai for Battles in the Age of War. Stewart Meecham of the Levellers Wargames group in Weymouth has arranged a games day on 15th August 2009. I have a couple units painted by Jase Hurst of the Bunker and should be picking some more up tonight. With the order from Salute I will have enough for two 800 point armies.

Other exciting news is that Miles Milton of STAB in Bournemouth has announced dates for a PBI day on 16th May and a CWB day on 26th September, and Ivan Angel on the RFCM YahooGroup is organising a RFCM day in June. Typically I am due to work all of the above dates but have managed to arrange leave for all of them. Whether I make all i dont know but I intend to. With the aid of SatNav, that makes several 4 1/2 hour trips to the south coast but what the heck!

Details of the events can be found at


Painting wise a bit of a slow down this week. 20 Naval infantry for PITS done, just because they have been around for a while. A lot of work on scenary, sprucing up my S&A scenics hills and templates. I also bought a GW battle mat. This is the static grass mat on a material backing meaning it can be folded up and wont tear.

More soon.

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